Easy Vinyl Flooring Cleaning Hacks For Busy Mums

Are you an organised mum who gets worried when things get on top of you? Life isn't a piece of cake and things don't go smoothly all the time. So quick hacks are essential to help you organise your time and especially organise your home life, allowing you to give the maximum time to your family.

When it comes to housekeeping, keeping the flooring clean can be a time-consuming task.

Hardwood flooring can withstand heavy foot traffic and you can go for aggressive cleaning, however, if you have vinyl flooring, it will require gentler cleaning. Here are some tips to clean your vinyl floor in a gentler way.

Cleaning vinyl flooring the efficient way

Now, the first thing is that whenever you spot a spill, is you should clean the floor right away. You can clean the spills with plain water. However, if it needs more thorough cleaning here are some ideas.

Dry mop the floor

When you have to remove plain dirt, then you can dry mop the floor. You should be able to remove the dirt from under the furniture. Once you get done with dry mopping, then you can proceed to wet cleaning.

Use apple cider vinegar with hot water

If you are not the sort of person who goes for fancy cleaners, try apple cider vinegar for cleaning the floor. The acidity in the vinegar helps to remove the grime in no time. However, you need to follow the precise method for cleaning.

Take a gallon of hot water and add one cup of apple cider vinegar in it. Rinse the mop with the hot water having vinegar in it and clean the floor. Then be sure to rinse the mop in clean hot water and mop the floor again. Always squeeze the mop out when cleaning the floor as excessive liquid can cause the vinyl to warp.

Using jojoba oil and baking soda for stubborn spots


Sometimes you may spot stubborn scuffs on the floor. You do not have to worry at all in this situation. You can add some jojoba oil on the mop and clean the floor with it.

There are times when you see food stains on the vinyl floor. If you are having a problem removing the stain, then mix baking soda with water. Put this mixture on the stain and clean it gently with a piece of cloth. Be careful though as it can be abrasive, so go gently. You don't want it to scratch the flooring.

Long term care

You will need to adopt the care regime depending upon your chosen floor. If you have laminate flooring, then laminate floors underlay can be useful for you. The reason is that underlay will protect the floor from wear and tear.

Make sure that you choose the flooring wisely so that cleaning the floor does not become a hassle.

Any type of flooring will last longer if you take good care for it. 
A little care will save you from a lot of trouble. Why not try out these home remedies, then you will know which one works best for you, and you will save money on cleaning products? 


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