The 5 Most Healthy (And 5 Least Healthy) Breakfast Foods

Just what should you be eating when planning a healthy breakfast? Below is a guide to some of the healthiest options and some of the least healthy options so that you know exactly what you should be putting on your plate in the morning.

The 5 most healthy

healthy breakfast


When you’re craving something savoury, eggs are a good option. Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. On top of being full of protein, they contain a range of vitamins and minerals including calcium, zinc, folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D and Vitamin K. Also, while they do contain a lot of cholesterol, it’s the good type of cholesterol that doesn’t affect your heart.

Eggs are great because they are so versatile. You can fry them, scramble them, boil them, poach them or whip up an omelette.


Muesli is one of the healthiest breakfast cereal options. It’s made up of whole grains, fruit and nuts, making it very nutritious. As this post at Growli explains, it can be ideal for those wanting to lose weight - it’s low on calories and is packed full of fibre that keeps you fuller longer.

Oatmeal muesli is one of the best options. You can have fun with this cereal by adding different fruits and nuts. Opt for honey as a sweetener.


Fruit is an obviously healthy option. Fruit is packed full of vitamins and fibre and contain healthy sugars.

For a truly healthy breakfast, consider mixing lots of different fruit on a plate. Fruit goes well with muesli and yoghurt adding protein as well.


Yoghurt has as much protein as a serving of meat and contains high amounts of calcium and vitamin B. Many yoghurt varieties are also known to contain ‘healthy bacteria’ which is good for the digestive systems and immune system.

Not all yoghurts are created equally, so shop wisely. Avoid yoghurts with added sugar and stick to natural yoghurt options. Mix in fruit and nuts for added fibre and the extra nutritional benefits.

Wholewheat toast

If you fancy some toast, wholewheat bread is a good option. Whole wheat bread is packed full of B vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, as well as containing a lot of protein and fibre.

Obviously, what you put on your toast matters. Healthy toppings include peanut butter, chia jam, bananas and avocado (although preferably not all together!).

The 5 least healthy

least healthy breakfast


Bacon is a processed meat that is typically very fatty and salty. It also contains a lot of nitrates, which are strongly linked with a higher risk of cancer. This makes bacon a fairly unhealthy choice.

Of course, you can still eat bacon from time to time - and it can be a good way to set up your day if you’re planning a lot of exercise. Try grilling bacon instead of frying it to reduce its fat content.

Processed cereals

The majority of cereal brands you see in the supermarket are sadly not very healthy. They’re made up of refined grains, which have most of the nutrients stripped away. They also tend to contain a lot of added sugar. This can make them quite fattening.

Some processed cereals are healthier than others - this guide at GoodToKnow lists some of the healthiest options.


Bad news for those that love pancakes - pancakes are typically made from white flour, which is a refined carbohydrate and fairly nutritious. Most store-bought pancakes contain a lot of added sugar and preservatives. Most people make pancakes even less healthy by adding toppings like syrup and chocolate spread.

Pancakes made with whole grain flour and no added sugar are much healthier. Toppings like fruit and yoghurt can also provide added vitamins and minerals.


As with pancakes, waffles are typically made from white flour and contain a lot of added sugar. They are not a nutritious breakfast option.

You can make waffles more nutritious by making them yourself from whole grain flour and by not adding sugar. As with pancakes, choose healthy toppings.

White bread toast and butter

A buttered slice of toast made of white bread might not seem like an unhealthy breakfast option, but it is. Unlike whole grain bread, white bread is made from refined grains that have had all the nutrients stripped out. It’s just empty carbs. Butter is meanwhile high in saturated fat - a generous serving of butter can be very calorific.

Swap out white bread for wholegrain bread and use only a small amount of butter (or opt for other healthier toppings).

*Collaborative post

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