The Benefits Of Sports In Schools

Love them or hate them, sports are a vital component of a child’s education. It’s not simply that children need to keep fit and strong but also that sports and regular physical activity can seriously benefit academic achievement.

child playing football

Scientific research has proven that children who participate regularly in sport, achieve better in examinations and also suffer from fewer mental health issues.

There are many other benefits of participating in sports at school. Here are just a few:

The feeling of belonging which comes from being involved in team sports
Camaraderie and friendships
Physical strength and fitness
Improved hand-eye coordination
Better mental health
Increased confidence

Not all children are naturals when it comes to sport and so it’s important for schools to implement a varied curriculum which includes a good variety of sports so there’s something to interest every child, like this independent school in Hammersmith.

Remember too, not all sports involve muddy fields or racquets! Athletics are just as much fun and many children relish the challenge of training alone to achieve the best personal standard possible.

Clubs outside of school can be a wonderful way for children to make new friends and many also participate in leagues and trips to different towns and cities. Expanding your child’s horizons through sports is a wonderful addition to any experiences they enjoy at school.

A good tip for reluctant children is to introduce them to as many sports as possible. Try things out – they’re sure to find something they excel at in no time.

*Collaborative post

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