5 Tips & Tricks To Ace Interviews & Get Your Dream Job

Getting a dream job is something all of us aspire to. With the expansion of the career-centred realm, there has been a revolution in job opportunities in almost every business and industry-oriented work domain. While most of us want to get a desirable job in the workspace of our choice, cracking the nut in real-time is actually the challenge, because you may have pre-assessment interview blues. Sorting them out, here are some quick tips and tricks to ace your dream job interview.

shaking hands

Cracking a Dream Job Interview: Tips and Tricks

Undertake A Comprehensive Company Research

This is the first thing you should cater to while preparing for a dream job interview. Navigate to the organization’s official website and make a detailed assessment of the work culture, professional interests, and the managerial hierarchy. You can also prepare for any upcoming job assessment tests so that you are ready for any challenge. The recruiters will regard your effort as impressive, which will definitely boost your chances of getting hired.

Looking on the other side, the HR team of your dream company works to see through your professional presence on social media and digital job platforms. Make sure that you have everything in place to create a positive impact.

Confidence Is The Best Outfit

As you complete the research step, there comes a certain level of confidence and positivity about the hands-on interview experience with the company. A natural nervousness, however, does occur, and that's no harm. You can hide that effectively with genuine and professional body language.

Complement your personality with a confident, welcoming smile and enter with a positive attitude. Be presentable and try not to worry, after all, they called you for an interview.

Stop Your Weaknesses From Showing Up

It is normal to not know everything about a field, and you may miss out on a few aspects. What is more important is that your weaknesses should not come to the notice of the interviewer. Just relax and focus on your strengths, like, using your interpersonal skills to take an additional benefit. You can also reflect on your job experiences in the past.

Some skills, such as fluent communication, leadership, soft skills, etc., are common requisites of almost any job you aim to get into. Make sure you mention them at the interview if you can and comment on your skills in working with others.

Befriend The Clock

Punctuality is important in every aspect of your life and that includes your professional field. When facing an interview, take note to arrive early with a margin of at least 15 minutes. This will allow for travel delays and make a positive impact on your recruiters, and they will look forward to interacting with you.

Also, ensure that you carry a copy of your work portfolio or resume to refer to in case the recruiter doesn’t have it in front of them. It can help look through this prior to the interview and the recruiters understand that you are interested in the job and that you have something productive to offer them.

Be Inquisitive

Prepare yourself with a list of questions to ask in an interview if the opportunity arises. This way, if the interviewer offers the chance to ask something, you'll be poised and ready to go with any queries you might have. This can show the interviewer that you're inquisitive and happy to engage of your own volition, which can score you extra points! 

Ask some relevant and interactive questions about the work schedule, company expectations, future growth prospects and other similar overarching questions to impress them. As a rule of thumb, if you can help it don't ask about pay at this point and instead follow up with an email after the interview, this way you won't leave a sour taste in the interviewer's mouth at the very last moment. As a final thought, you might want to check out this article where I present some useful tips to help you find the best jobs.

*Collaborative post 

1 comment

  1. I am looking for a new job so this has been helpful, thanks
