Cosy Up The Home This Winter

Decorating your home is fun. When you finally are able to put your own stamp on a home it is a great feeling and it is important to make the most of it. Now that the temperature outside is dropping and winter looms, it is a great opportunity to make some changes to your home to create a cosy living space.

Today I are going to take a look at some easy ways that you can create a cosy living space this winter without spending the earth.

Update your bedding

There is nothing better than a fresh set of bedding. That crisp cotton feeling is just amazing and it creates a cosy bed for a good night’s sleep. As well as replacing the bedding, you can think about adding extra layers to swapping to a thicker duvet or sheet. This is a great way to warm you up and once you wrap up in bed you’ll never want to leave.

Put slippers by the door

When you get home after a long day at work, the first thing you will want to do is wrap up and get warm. This is why a great idea for a cosy home is to stash slippers just inside the front door to change into when you get in the house. This will be an amazing way to get cosy and comfortable and it will make all the difference to you in the cold weather.

Add thicker throws and pillows

The living room is like the beating heart of the home and it is a place we can always enjoy. It is important for us to be able to feel cosy and comfortable in the winter and one way to do this is swapping out your summer pillows and throws for thicker ones. There is nothing better than snuggling up on the sofa under a thick throw in the winter, and there are some amazing ones you can find online.

Soften the lights

One of the best ways to bring a sense of cosiness to your home is to soften the lights and replace it with candles. Candles are the epitome of cosiness and they will give a stunning glow to the room. If you have children or pets it's worth getting battery-powered candles for safety. Consider installing Philips Hue light bulbs which you can dim when you are relaxing in the evenings, and make use of your fireplace if you have one to bring soft light as well as warmth to the home.

Choose deep warm tones

One great way to decorate the home and make it feel cosier in the winter is to choose deep warm tones on the walls and furnishings. Colours such as red, plum, and orange will make the home feel immediately warmer and can make you feel like you are cosying up by the side of a fire. Adding some Old Charm Furniture in wooden tones can also be a great way to warm the place up. Implement these tones wherever you can to create a warm feeling space for the winter.

*Collaborative post

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