How To Recover After A Road Traffic Accident

According to the World Health Organisation, road traffic accidents are among the main causes of death worldwide. Besides taking so many lives, it also costs most countries 3% of their GDP (economic damages to individuals and their families, resulting in national losses). What’s worse about these accidents is the cause, which is simply human error. When someone doesn't pay attention on the road they risk harm to other drivers, and with death being the most serious result, families of those affected may look to file a claim against the other driver. When doing so, looking up terms such as "wrongful death attorney near you", for example, will be essential so they can find the help they desperately need.

Most accidents happen due to speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or psychoactive substances, and distracted driving (caused mainly by using mobile phones while driving). Even if these events are frequent, people still don’t know how to avoid them, and some don’t recover properly after the accident, which is what I'll discuss in the following paragraphs.

Stick to your treatment

One of the biggest mistakes people make is not taking their treatment seriously. Some don’t stick to their doctor’s recommendations because they don’t feel the pain anymore or think they will recover fast anyway, but that’s not always the case. Remember that some of the most dangerous conditions are diagnosed when it’s too late, especially because the patients haven’t felt any particular change in their bodies.

Also called medical adherence, this issue is the one doctors still struggle with. Non-adherence to the medication prescribed is one of the causes of non-response to treatments. Therefore, it would be a good idea to take the medication you were advised to because it will increase your chances of fast recovery.

Besides the medication, listen to your doctor’s recommendations regarding the physical activity you should and shouldn’t perform. Sometimes, it’s beneficial to walk in the morning or do some light exercise, but in other cases, you shouldn’t lift anything or go to the gym because you’ll never recover. For example, just like in a workout, if you don’t provide your muscles with time to recover, they’ll continuously break, and you won’t be able to exercise soon.

Consider physical therapy

Physical therapy (PT) is a form of medical care aiming to ease pain and help you move better. A physical therapist will help you in your recovery journey, starting by assessing your needs. You’ll go under an examination where you’ll tell them about your pain, your ability to move if you have trouble sleeping and your medical history.

After that, they’ll make a treatment plan for you, and that might include:

  • Stretching exercises;
  • Massages
  • Heat or cold therapy
PT will help you:
  • Relieve pain
  • Improve movement and ability
  • Prevent other injuries or disabilities

Depending on the gravity of the injury, you might feel uncomfortable performing those exercises, but therapy shouldn’t hurt. It can be challenging, but in the end, it’s worth it.

Reclaim your financial loses

Road traffic accidents can include car users, pedal cyclists, motorcyclists or pedestrians. In the UK, people in cars accounted for more than 64,000 reported casualties on the road in 2021, followed by pedal, pedestrians and motorcyclist-related accidents. Luckily, the severe injury trends are decreasing, but that doesn’t make accidents stop.

After an accident, you’ve certainly suffered from financial losses, among physical and psychological damages. If the accident occurred due to someone else’s negligence, you’re eligible to file a claim to get the compensation you deserve. Even if you think it’s a long and complicated process, with the help of an advisor, you’re most likely to win the case.

What should you do to have more chances of success? It would be best if you could gather any evidence of the accident, anything from photos, video recordings of the accident’s place or witnesses’ declarations. Then, you should keep all medical records from your doctors to prove that you’ve been injured. Finally, CCTV recordings from the accident area will prove the negligence.

Consume nutritious meals

What you consume on a daily basis will influence your recovery. Luckily, fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and protein sources are known to reduce inflammation and promote healing, so it would be a good idea to have a meal plan made by you or your nutritionist.

Therefore, you should include in your foods:

  • Leafy greens that are high in vitamin C, magnesium and other nutrients;
  • Eggs that contain vitamin A, zinc, iron and selenium;
  • Salmon that provides plenty of proteins and omega-3 fats;
  • Berries that are packed with antioxidants;
  • Nuts and seeds that are a good source of vitamin E, manganese and zinc;
  • Poultry and white meat
  • Sweet potatoes that are full of anti-inflammatory compounds (vitamin C, carotenoids and manganese)

Besides meals, it’s important to drink plenty of water and unsweetened tea. Keep in mind that alcohol might not help you too much; it will only worsen your mental state.

Don’t forget about emotional recovery

One last thing that people ignore is their emotions. It’s frequent that after an accident, people develop symptoms of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) without even noticing. After such a traumatic experience, when one isn’t able to express their emotions, one can often relive the event through nightmares and flashbacks.

This is not to be ignored, as the symptoms include:

Avoidance and emotional numbing. The person avoids being reminded of the accident or even of people or places that trigger their memories about the event.
Hyperarousal. The person feels anxious most of the time, and they also experience irritability, sleep problems and angry outbursts.
Destructive behaviour. The person uses alcohol and drugs as a way of coping.

Nothing’s wrong with asking for help when needed. Even talking with a therapist can help you more than keep it all inside. Professional support can help you better understand what’s happening to your mind causing all these side effects.

How to be safe on the road

  • Always wear your seatbelt, no matter how short your trip is.
  • Always wear a helmet when driving or riding on motorcycles or bicycles.
  • Don’t drive after drinking or consuming other psychoactive substances.
  • Avoid distractions when driving (don’t use your phone).
  • Be alert when crossing the street or walking through crowded places.
  • Keep yourself informed about road safety, driving hazards and road risks in your country to know how to handle situations better when driving or crossing the street.

Finally, always take care of yourself and stay updated with the latest regulations and laws regarding your rights as a driver or as a pedestrian.

*Collaborative post

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