How to Plan The Ideal Wedding Proposal

Whether you found your significant other on an app for dating, through mutual acquaintances, or in school, college or work, nothing beats falling in love and spending your life together. However, as you're probably aware, figuring out the best way to propose to your better half can be a colossal undertaking, yet it doesn't always have to be a complicated affair. To ensure that this long-awaited moment goes as intended, I've collected some of the best tips you should know when you go down on a knee and ask your partner for their hand in marriage. Continue reading if you want to learn more.

Make sure both of you are thinking about marriage


You’ll want to ensure that your partner feels the same way about marriage as you do. So before plotting the proposal, try to talk to him or her about how he or she sees their future with you. If you’re worried about making the conversation appear like a proposal or don’t want to ruin the surprise, start it by discussing a friend’s recent engagement or your parent's or someone's happy marriage that you know. It might not be as easy to drop it into conversation but it will give you a much better idea of what your soulmate might say if you pop the question. Of course, factors like whether or not to have a prenup will need to be discussed too; divorce complications without a prenup can be significant and lead to lengthy battles. It's essential to consider whether you choose to bring this up before or after the proposal.

Talk to your partner's parents

These days, not many talk to their partners’ parents before they open the ring box because it’s generally regarded as outdated. However, the reality is that there are benefits to letting them know about your proposal plans. After all, you may learn more about your significant other that you may not have otherwise, such as what types of ring settings she prefers for the engagement ring, where the ideal place to propose is, and many other valuable pieces of information. They may also want to be more involved with the moment and help you set everything up so that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Get personal

For any wedding proposal to succeed, it needs to be personal. So think about what your partner would love out of your proposal, be it an intimate gesture or a family affair. Regardless of what your budget is, you'll may want to focus on a sentimental, beauty spot, perhaps somewhere that means something special to both of you.  Proposing within a space that has meaning to you both will earn you many points and help you get you the answer you're looking for. 

Have someone who can take photos on standby

It’s a good idea to have someone around who can document this special moment. This is especially true if your partner doesn’t know about it because you’ll want to capture that surprise, the emotion and maybe some funny reaction shots. Whether you choose to go with a professional or have a friend do it for you, having a photographer help capture those wonderful memories.


Proposing to your partner is likely to be one of the most important moments you’ll ever have. Because of this, you must get everything just right. With these tips, you’ll make this wonderful moment even more special.

*Collaborative post

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