Working From Home With Kids: Survival Tips

We all know these photos: a smiling parent is working on the computer, holding their equally happy child on the lap. In reality, however, working from home with a child always looks different from this. If possible, you should try to organise your time and your child's time so that you can work without taking care of your child at the same time. Here are several tips that might help you.

Organise a Home "Office"

Experienced mums suggest that it is easiest to work where you can keep an eye on everything and where the child can see you. The little one will likely immediately leave the toys as soon as you are out of sight.

Make a Work Schedule

Make a plan for when you can work and try to stick to it, but also be flexible and don't get upset if something goes wrong. The best dentist in Saratoga Springs NY also suggests that you plot any medical checkups in advance and never miss them. Remember that you need a healthy body to accomplish all the things that you need to do for your family and yourself.

It's easiest to work when your little one is asleep, and there are no distractions. So make sure that the child has a constant daily schedule: gets up, goes for a walk, plays. takes a nap, and goes to sleep at more or less the same time every day. Do not forget about the baby feeding schedule, as well.


When you work, don't be distracted by household chores. Probably every woman who works from home feels the temptation to break away from the desk, put on laundry, or prepare dinner. If you have the comfort that your child sleeps for quite a long during the day, do not do anything other than work during this time. You will have time to set up dinner or laundry when the baby wakes up. When the baby is sleeping (or is being taken care of by someone else), first, do those activities that require concentration.

Use Any Help

Does grandma or your mother-in-law declare they will be happy to sit with the baby? Great, you'll get a few hours of work in silence.

Shared care is also an increasingly popular solution among young mothers. If one of your friends or neighbours is in a similar situation as you, you can take turns looking after your children: when one mother is with two of them on a walk, the other works.

Besides, in many places, coworking offices are being created for working mothers with children, where children, for a small fee, play under the watchful eye of a babysitter, and the mother can work at that time.

How to Organise Time For a Preschool Child?

Of course, the easiest way is to sit your child in front of the TV, and no one has the right to judge you if you use this opportunity from time to time. It is clear, however, that a child cannot spend time immobile in front of the TV for long hours.

A lot depends on the child, but in general, many children enjoy playing with blocks, puzzle-solving, playing with interactive toys, or doing various creative activities, such as drawing or modelling with plasticine.

Keep activities to twenty or thirty minutes, This is another thing to keep in mind when organising remote work with a preschooler at home. It doesn't seem like much, but even adults focus best in short time periods, after which they should take a break.

How to Organise Time at Home For a School-Aged Child?

A school-aged child has a lot of ideas on how to spend their free time and can focus on one activity for longer. Many children like interactive globes, microscopes, children's laboratories, or solar system models. Others like to paint, make jewellery from colourful beads, or play traditional card and board games. Therefore, make sure that your home does not run out of interesting educational and creative toys and games.

How About a Newborn?

As you have noticed, I am not discussing working from home with a baby here. This is because caring for a baby, especially the first child, is hard work and can be challenging in itself.  You really need a support network if you are trying to work from home with a baby. However, if you have no choice then it can be done, but don't forget to look after yourself too. 

Certainly, it is important to plan your time when working from home, whatever the age of the children Don't overfill your to-do list, but write down what you want to do each day. Even if not everything can be crossed off the list in the evening, at least, you will not waste time and nerves during the day reminding you what you still need to do. Move unfinished tasks to the next day without regret or remorse.

*Collaborative post

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