Upgrading Your Home For Summer

Now that the days are getting longer and the nights are warmer, you may start thinking about jobs you can do around the house. The summer is the ideal time to have fun with decorating your space, and you can make things more personal to fit your design tastes. 

Here are just a few of the things you can do this month to prepare your home for the summer and give it some much-needed TLC.

Windows And Doors

Our windows and doors seem to be a part of the home which we take for granted and forget about very often. However, the act of changing your doors and windows to something new will have a big impact on the home. If you buy brand-new doors and bigger windows for the home you will make the space feel fresh, bright and brand new in no time.

Update Your Kitchen

If you want to make a big impact on your entire home, the kitchen is the ideal place to come. Your kitchen is a huge part of the home and is the place where you spend a lot of your time. You can upgrade the space by adding a herb garden to the wall, buying some new taps from Tap Warehouse, and painting the walls a fun and bright colour. You don’t need to rip everything out and start again to make a positive impact on the space.


If you have the money to do a bigger project, you can always create an extension in your home and make the space feel brand new. Build out into the garden and add large French windows to make your space feel bright and full of life. It will provide the perfect place to sit with your family during the summer.

Jet Wash The Drive

One of the things that can make your outdoor space look scruffy is having a dirty driveway or a dirty patio in the back. To rectify this problem, you can hire handyman services near me in Jenison or in your local area to pressure wash and blast the space to reveal the stone underneath. This is an immensely satisfying job to do and the drive will look so much better afterwards.

Fence Panels

Our fences are another one of those things we don’t often consider replacing, but when you think about the security of your home and garden, it is a vital thing to do. You can install new fence panels and why not ask your neighbour to go halves. If you want to make the space feel bright and fresh on a budget, why not paint the fence panels a pastel colour or white for maximum effect.

Replace Your Roof

Whilst we are on the subject of security in the home you may want to think about redoing the roof to make sure it is solid and attractive to look at. If you have a dark loft space which you use regularly, you can even take this opportunity to add a skylight into the roof for light and style. This will then give you the potential in future to renovate your loft and make it into a bedroom.

Revamp The Garden

Summer is the perfect time to be outside and spend time with your family and friends, and one of the best ways to do that is to revamp your garden space and create a perfect seating area for everyone. Utilise your patio better by putting out a table and chairs, and even a sun lounger if you have the space. You could also consider laying decking on the floor and having a bright colour stained onto it for effect. Make sure you have a space for your barbecue and add lots of colour to the garden with big shrubs and cute bedding plants.

Make it green

Summer and Spring are both seasons colourful seasons and this is the perfect time for you to add some colour and life to your home. You could bring a large peace lily into your home for some colour and texture, stick to small cacti if you aren’t green-fingered, and even simply place a vase or two of flowers around your home. Plants are synonymous with summer, so use them to your advantage!

Outside lights

For a magical feel in your garden, there is nothing better than solar-powered lights. Whether you decide to use a string of fairy lights to line your pergola or some lamps in the ground, lighting can make for a magical summer evening for all the family.

*PR collaboration


  1. I can't wait for summer - I an planning a huge tidy up outside. Kaz

  2. My husband loves this time of year so he can get the pressure washer out!

  3. jet washing makes such a massive difference! My husband blasted our path and drive at the weekend and it looks like new x

  4. We really need to jet wash the drive. I've lost count of how many types of weedkiller we've tried out there but nothing seems to kill them. Great tips.
