How To Create The Best Outdoor Cinema Space

Planning a party with pizzazz? Show your favourite film in a stunning setting under the stars. Whether you’re organising a quiet family get-together or a big birthday party with friends, this unique activity is sure to be loved by all.

Follow these steps to create the best outdoor cinema space for your celebration.

1. Set The Mood

outdoor party

There’s no point setting up an outdoor cinema space if it’s not a pleasant place to hang out!

Choose a corner of the garden to give the area an intimate feel, making sure there’s the option to extend the space for hosting larger parties. Add decorative touches to elevate the design such as strings of festoon lights that won’t overpower the screen and pots of colourful flowers.

2. Invest In Equipment

Once you’ve selected your space, invest in equipment suitable for your screening.
Make sure to choose a projector that’s a suitable size and brightness for your setting – smaller portable models are perfect for the garden, while those hosting larger events will need something more powerful. The same rule applies to audio, so select speakers accordingly.

3. Prepare Your Screen

Next, it’s time to prepare your screen.

Most projector kits come with a screen, especially if they are purposefully designed for outdoor use and plain, smooth walls might be in short supply. If this isn’t the case for you, don’t worry – you can pick up a screen separately. Don’t forget to check the dimensions that will work in your space.

A simple white sheet is an affordable alternative to a professional projector screen. It can be pegged up in front of a fence or along your washing line for the showing and then folded away afterwards. This is a great option if your outdoor cinema experience is a one-off activity.

4. Provide Comfy Seating

Ensure that your guests can relax and enjoy the film by providing comfy seating.

If you’re hosting a smaller group, you can use proper patio furniture for maximum comfort without taking up too much space. Place your chairs in staggered rows facing the screen, either in front of or on either side of a table piled high with snacks and drinks.

Larger parties can make use of more creative seating options such as cushioned benches and pallet sofas or less formal seating options such as rugs and cushions, bean bags, and camping chairs on the lawn.

Make sure that there are seats with backrests available for viewers who require proper support, especially for longer films.

5. Consider The Weather

Given all of the effort you’ve put in to create the perfect outdoor cinema space, you won’t want the weather to get in the way!

Make sure that your setup can be sheltered from the rain. You could invest in a permanent pergola for your patio, or else buy or hire a gazebo especially for the event. If showers are forecast it’s best to have your gazebo erected in advance to avoid your equipment and guests don’t get wet!

Don’t let the idea of rain and wind put you off – as long as everyone is warm and dry, it will only add to the amazing atmospheric experience of watching a film outdoors.

*Collaborative post

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