Five Tips for a Sustainable Garden Glow Up

With growing concerns for the environment and reducing our carbon footprint, many households across the UK are looking into sustainable garden techniques.

1. Avoid Using Peat


One eco-friendly step worth considering is to go peat-free. Considering that peatlands are a major land carbon store, it’s best to keep them in the ground. While adding peat to gardens can release carbon, peat also acts as an ecosystem for animals and plants. 

Clearly, there are many environmental reasons for keeping peat in the ground.

2. New Garden Fences

Another idea worth considering is to have garden fencing added/replaced. Opting for an environmentally friendly type of fencing is a great way to improve your garden’s sustainability. Among the options worth considering include composite fencing and bamboo fencing.

The cost of replacing your garden fences is around £1,000 on average. However, the exact price will largely depend on the size and type of fencing used.

3. Plant For The Pollinators


Note: Be sure that any plants you include are safe for pets, whether you have any or you suspect other animals might visit.

You should also consider including plants that are designed to attract pollinators (e.g., bees). Making your garden attractive to pollinating insects is a great way of enabling their populations to flourish. This can benefit the ecosystem as a whole as a result.

Some of the most common plants that pollinators like include dandelions, rosemary, mint, teasel, thyme, lavender, chives and sage.

Pollinator-friendly plants offer a nesting habitat, increased shelter, and, of course, food resources for a wide range of insects. Beyond that, these sorts of plants are known for restoring soil health and adding organic soil matter to the ecosystem.

4. Plant A Tree

Planting a tree can be a great way of making your garden more sustainable by helping to reduce carbon levels in the atmosphere.

Among the best trees to consider planting in your garden are: 

Silver Birch
Apple Trees
Holly Trees
Japanese Maple
Birch Trees
English Oak Trees

While trees take time to grow, there’s no time like the present! Notably, mature trees can remove as much as 22 kilograms of carbon dioxide annually.

This may not massively dent your carbon footprint (with the average in the UK being 11,700 kgs per year), but every little helps, and planting one or several trees can still give your garden a sustainable glow up.

When considering what trees to plant, be sure to carefully opt for one(s) that best suit your garden. For instance, smaller gardens will need relatively small trees.

Planning permission should not be required, but if in doubt, you can always check with your local council. Be sure to also consider whether a tree, when fully grown, might block your view or that of your neighbours and think about whether it might obscure sunlight in other ways that matter (e.g., for a solar panel array).

5. Resilient Plants

lily of the valley

To avoid the need to re-grown plants too often, you should consider resilient plants that are well-suited to a variety of conditions and weather. Such plants will also need less maintenance than most.

The most resilient plants to consider for a sustainable garden include:

Golden Discs (a.k.a. Yarrow)
Lily of the Valley
Autumn Joy
Ruby Giant
Lady’s Mantle
Bleeding Heart

Whatever the case, as touched on already, be sure to pick plants that are a good match for your garden and ones which are not poisonous to pets.

Cost Of Hiring A Professional

The average cost of hiring a gardener in the UK is £200 to £250 per day plus supply costs whereas, hiring a landscaper cost approximately £100 to £180 daily plus the cost of supplies.

When looking for a professional to hire, we advise obtaining at least three quotes before comparing the pricing, experience and online reviews/ratings (if applicable) of each option.

*Collaborative post

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