Easy Student Recipe: Chicken Chorizo And Butterbean Stew

A guest post by Frances from The Spoon And Whisk Blog

Hi everyone! I’m so happy to be guest posting here on Mel’s lovely blog. I was asked to come up with an easy recipe that students could happily feed themselves….so we’re talking cheap, which takes little of your time, but is still a hearty, wholesome good old tasty meal for you and your mates to enjoy whilst doing some of that much needed late night revision on the run up to exam season. Yay (yeah right!) And I would know since I’m 17 and currently in the middle of my AS levels.

This recipe is great if you only have a pan because it’s a one-pot dish so only a ring on the stove is needed too. Everything gets thrown into it and is left to bubble and simmer away while you can get on with other things. (That also means little washing up – an added bonus.)

I think it tastes great simply served alongside a crusty French baguette, however, a baked potato or some rice would also be a great accompaniment. Don’t feel like you need to add the parsley garnish but I just think it adds a lovely bit of freshness and the crème fraiche complements with creaminess.

Serves 4

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 onion
2 garlic cloves
4 chicken breasts
1 teaspoon smoked organic paprika powder
1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
170g chorizo sausage
1 x 400g tin of chopped tomatoes
1 chicken stock cube
1 red pepper
1 x 400g tin butter beans
1 tablespoon cornflour

A handful of chopped parsley
4 teaspoons of crème fraiche


First heat the oil in a large pan, whilst you peel and roughly chop the onion and peel then grate the garlic. Put the chopped onion into the hot pan and fry over a medium-high heat. Then after a few minutes add the grated garlic. Fry until soft and golden in colour.

While they are frying, slice the chicken breasts into large chunks and then add to the onion and garlic. Then the smoked paprika and mixed dried herbs and stir with a spoon until the chicken is coated. Turn up to high heat and continue to cook while you slice the pepper into small pieces along with the chorizo about ½ cm thick (don’t forget to peel the skin off first if it comes that way). Add the pepper, and chopped chorizo to the pan along with the chopped tomatoes. Then refill the can that the tomatoes came in with boiling water, and mix in the chicken stock cube until dissolved. Pour the stock into the pan, season with pepper and simmer for about 40 minutes.

After 40 minutes, make a paste by mixing the cornflour and about 3 teaspoons of water in a cup and stir into the stew to thicken it. Drain the butter beans from the tin and rinse under cold water and add to the stew. Cook through for another 5 minutes and you’re ready to serve. Garnish with chopped parsley and a dollop of crème fraiche.


  1. That sounds so yummy, far too nice for student food ;P I'm kidding and also remembering how I ate as a student lol

  2. oh wow this sounds absolutely amazing! Taking a note of the recipe thank you x

    1. I think Frances has created an amazing recipe.

  3. This looks and sounds lush! Chicken and chorizo is a winning combo!

  4. This looks delicious - and I love the fact you can cook it in one pan x x

    1. Yes, perfect if you do not have many saucepans.

  5. oh this sounds amazing! i love Chorizo and often look for new ways to cook with it

  6. This looks absolutely delightful and perfect for a pretty chilly sunday x

  7. Such a hearty and delicious recipe, Great flavours and taste.

  8. I've boookmarked this as I fancy trying it. One pot still works even when you're a Mum of three!!

  9. This looks delicious! I'll be giving this a try!

  10. oh my goodness this sounds amazing - I love that it is easy as well! x

  11. Oh I will add this to next weeks menu plan. It looks and sounds right up our street

    1. It looks very tasty, I am going to cook this next week too.
