A Quick Read Guide to Selling Jewellery in An Emergency

Selling jewellery is generally a spur-of-the-moment decision when money is tight or we discover the jewellery in our collections we are able to part with. Few ever know how exactly to go about it beforehand so we thought we would provide some timeless tips on selling personal jewellery.

The value of gold generally fluctuates in ways that are favourable to a well-prepared investor much unlike global money markets with inflation, interest, and sliding scales.

In times of financial stability is when gold shines with the most lustre and as with any investment strategy, circumstances eventually line up and for one reason or another and everyone cashes out.

But how do you just sell gold jewellery? Here are a few pointers if you are looking to visit any of Australia’s #1 gold dealers to make some money on jewellery you no longer want to have in your personal collection.

1. Do Not Rush

If you are going to sell your gold jewellery, take your time. In order to get a proper market value for your precious metal, you’ll need to do a bit of research and shop around for the best gold price. 

On rare occasions, you will find a one-stop shop that take into consideration the going market value and gives you a fair deal. Follow your instincts.

2. Get a Valuation First

Before you start looking for cash-to-gold shops, have your jewellery evaluated by a professional (who has no motive to lower it in order to buy from you). This will give you an idea of what ballpark you’re in. Additional diamonds or intricate handiwork could increase the value.

3. Don’t Take the First Offer

Keep on shopping and when you do consider an offer, this is one of those real life obligatory awkward moments where you must haggle. Some people find it easier to act like they’re in a hurry but it's better to be nice, but firm. 

4. Look Online

Yes, you can buy and sell gold reliably online. Thanks to customer feedback, reliability ratings offer some level of assurance for either party within any given transaction. Start with sites like eBay, and go from there! 

If you are looking to buy jewellery search for items like 'jeulia gold jewellery coupons' for good discounts.

5. Look Around

How’s life? Are the cities all full of happy people living happy lives? How is the environment? National debt? Any civil or global unrest or war?

Take all of these things into account when buying and selling gold in any time of crisis whether political, economic, environmental, or a random act of God.

In times of crisis, the value of gold goes up. In times of a collapsing currency, the same thing happens. Buy low, sell high.

* This post was contributed by Media Buzzer


  1. Great tips about selling jewellery. I don't have any to sell at the moment, but I shall keep the tips in mind when looking into selling any old jewellery in the future x

  2. Really useful tips. It never occurred to me that gold price is linked to the economy, but that is definitely something to remember!

    1. Yes it is, and it's usually a safe bet to invest in gold when the economy is weak.

  3. Unless you've invested in great quality diamonds and gems, reselling jewellery is not a money generator. Even investing in gold pieces isn't that great as a financial investment; it's only if you buy as stocks not jewellery that you get a good return in the long run.

    1. If you have scrap gold it can be beneficial to sell it, as it is you can't do anything with it. Gold keeps its price when the world's economy is shaky as well.

  4. i would have taken the first offer if it sounded good but who knows, somewhere else may give out higher. will think again

  5. Some great tips here, theres all different places who will buy your gold, so its always good to get a good price for it x

  6. Shopping around is so important. I sold some of my old gold jewellery last year and the difference in prices offered between companies was quite surprising. If you rush to sell you really lose out I reckon.

  7. Such good for selling gold. I've always wondered what was the best way to sell gold as you see so many adverts offering the best price.

    1. Some companies offer more than others, so shop around.

  8. These are great tips, I can imagine in an emergency people don't think to even check around locally for the best price which is a shame for them.

    1. I think it's worth ringing around quickly or checking online companies as they could lose out otherwise.

  9. These are really practical and useful tips - thanks so much for sharing, very useful and I will keep them in mind if I decide to sell anything in the future

    Laura x

  10. Great tips, I have some gold I've been meaning to sell for ages. Will use your tips if I think about selling.

  11. You will be surprised how much you will get.

  12. These are some great tips! I've currently got a few pieces to sell.

  13. Good sound advice for someone selling jewellery. Great guide.
