Finding a Role in the Beauty Industry

The beauty industry continues to grow, consistently drawing the participation of skilled professionals and consumers. Within the industry, there are many different (and sometimes unusual) roles for people to explore and pursue. Commonly known roles, for example, include beautician, commercial, beauty blogging, makeup artist, etc. However, it can be tricky to know exactly where to start, and if you do not have experience it can be difficult to know exactly what you want to do, or how to do it.

Here are some tips on first getting into the beauty industry.


Frances Mazur, CEO of the Mazur Group, a headhunting firm for the beauty industry believes that maintaining an updated portfolio is critical. She says, “As you prepare for your interview, you can refer back to your file to find specific things you've done that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Showing the visuals that support your stories in an interview really sets yourself apart." 

In an industry that is so visually driven, having a portfolio is essential to help build your personal brand. Of course, to build up a portfolio you need to have examples of previous work you have done. A great tip, if you are just starting and have no professional experience yet, is to use family and friends as models.

Work within your strengths

The first job you take in the industry or even the second, third, fourth does not mean that it is the job you will be stuck with. 
If your dream job is to be a designer, it may not seem to make sense to take a job in marketing. However, if you have experience in marketing, this could be the perfect way to get your foot in the door. Use your strengths and experience to find a role within the beauty industry and see where that takes you. From this insider role you can spend time learning the ins and outs of the beauty business and then take a sideways move when the time comes.


Volunteering is a great way gain experience and gives back to the community. Check your local area for events such as fashion shows or fetes, or even fundraising events with a low budget that may be looking for volunteer beauty professionals.  Also, check out local and small companies that may love to have an intern or assistant for a period of time. 

Suitable vacancies

The common dream in the industry is to work in a big city such as London. However, if you look outside the big cities it could benefit you in your job search. Speak to others within your network and see what is available around in the more low-key cities. 

There are many networking events where you can meet new people and expand your network  Putting yourself out there and letting it be known that you are interested in beauty roles could certainly help bring in the job offers.

You can also keep an eye on any suitable vacancies in your local area by regularly checking job sites, like Jobrapido, so you do not miss an opportunity perfect for you. 

Remember, the first role you get in the beauty industry may not be your dream job, but do not give up on your search! Put yourself out there and be confident in your skills.  Gaining experience is vital in order to progress your career in this industry, so remember every opportunity is worth taking if it offers you the chance to learn more and improve your skills. Take advantage of any possibilities, learn as you go and enjoy! It is a wonderful industry to be in.

*guest post by Emily Jones


  1. This is such an interesting post and really useful for those wanting to find out more.

  2. A good portfolio is crucial in most industries nowadays. But definitely needed in Beauty.

  3. Some great advice for those looking to get into the industry! Very transferable for other industries, too!

  4. Some great advice and I'd agree with it being transferable to other areas too.
