Santa's Surprise Giveaway - Win £250 of Amazon Vouchers Ends 30/11

With Christmas around the corner, I have two lovely competitions for my readers today. My first competition is to win a big wadge of Amazon vouchers - very welcome at this time of year. 

I have teamed up with a gorgeous team of bloggers to offer a duo of great prizes. However, before I tell you more about the prize, let us meet the bloggers: 


Adventures of a Yorkshire Mum | Keep Up With The Jones Family | Sparkles at Midnight | Mother Distracted | Missing Sleep | Hubby Helps | Mums Wine HQ | Chilling With Lucas | Purely Amy | The Mighty Duxburys | Petit Moi Big World | Sally Akins | The Adventures of a Silver Surfer | My Life As A Mummy | Bump and Beyond | 

A Testing Time | Melanie's Fab Finds | Spanish Mummy | Precious Little Worlds | Life As Mum | We Made This Life | Nine to Three Thirty | Hex Mum Plus 1 | Big Family Little Adventures | The Diary of a Jewellery Lover | Kumbear XO | Cosmic Kick | | Accidental Hipster Mum | Mummy Vs Work | Life at 139a 

Charli B | Renovation Bay-Bee | Ickle Pickles Life and Travels | Tanned Beauty Addict | Life in a Break Down | UK Bloggers 

So how do you enter and what can you win? Well, one grand prize winner will be walking away with £200 of Amazon vouchers, while a runner-up will get a not insignificant £50 of Amazon vouchers too.

To be in with a chance of winning let us know: Should you be so lucky to win, what would you spend the vouchers on? Good Luck! 

My second competition is to win a big selection of Christmas presents so don't forget to enter that one too. Check out my competitions here.

Terms and Conditions

The prize draw opens on 1st November at 11:00 GMT and closes at 23:59 GMT on the 30th November.
The competition is open worldwide, with winners outside of the UK receiving their prize via PayPal funds. 
For full T&C please see the Rafflecopter application.

a Rafflecopter giveaway 


  1. i would spend the vouchers on my boys for christmas x

  2. Margaret Clarkson
    Books and DVDs for my family for Christmas

  3. Thank you all for this wonderful giveaway!
    I would spend the vouchers getting some small bits for our new house & some birthday presents for my son xx

  4. I'd spend it on a variety of books, games, and DVDs.

  5. My nephew wants a Batman Batbot for Christmas so it would go towards that

  6. I would spend the voucher on an array of things from electrical to edible and gifts for others.

  7. I'd spend it on presents for the kids for Christmas x

  8. I usually buy most of the kids toys on Amazon so that is what I would spend it on, plus a few xmas decorations x

  9. i love giveaways and as you said since Christmas is coming up this is an awesome giveaway

  10. So need a waterproof coat for winter, be dry for a change!

  11. I would buy a DAB radio for my Wife and Troll toys for my Grandson

  12. Christmas presents for the family

  13. Christmas presents and Christmas foodie treats

  14. Probably buying presents for the rest of the family! :) Xxx

  15. I would spend these vouchers on my gorgeous 8 year old twins, buying them some extra goodies for Xmas!! What a lovely giveaway!! Thank you!! Xx

  16. I like the deck the halls pyjamas. Can't beat a nice set of PJ's for Xmas xxx

  17. I'd buy mum a new Kindle, she lost hers at hospital recently and she's lost without it. I'd use the rest to buy Christmas toys for all the children in our extended family.

  18. I would spend it on a great family get together. Christmas lunch, presents and a few choccies too

  19. I would buy gifts for my son and husband plus an Amazon Fire Stick.

  20. With only one of us working this year we would definitely use it to purchase the children's Christmas wish lists. I also really want anew pair of winter boots!

  21. Christmas presents, definitely!

  22. At the moment I have 132 items are on my Amazon wish list. First I would like to order pure silk pillow cases for the ladies in my family (Christmas presents). A Japan wall calendar for us because I really-really want to visit the country.

  23. I would spend the voucher on some lovely new perfume as my fave has just run out

  24. I would spend the vouchers on books for my daughter and husband.

  25. I'd buy some soft furnishings to give a fresh look to my living room ready for the festive season

  26. I would buy Christmas presents for my family :-)

  27. I would spend the vouchers for Christmas gifts for the family, it's amazing, thanks for the chance... x

  28. O box and PS4 games for my sons as they are soo expensive,a shaver for my hubby,some ebooks and fitflops

  29. Everything looks amazing! Would love the spa break :)

  30. I would spend it on presents for all my family and hopefully a little treat for me too! Xx

  31. Trees and shrubs for my permaculture project in Devon. :-)

  32. I would buy my favourite perfume and dvds and books for my niece and nephew

  33. Some gifts for my husband and 2 children, all have birthdays a week before Christmas! And also use any left over for their Christmas prezzies! :)x

  34. I would get some Christmas presents sorted - first thing would be another Lego or K Nex set.

  35. I would spend it on some new cookbooks for a healthy start to the New Year!

  36. I would spend it on extra presents for the family and treat myself to something too as it's my birthday the week before Xmas

  37. I've been on a low income for a number of years so would put the vouchers towards buying presents a little more pricey than my usual £10 per person limit. However, being a bit of a Christmas decoration addict, I'm sure I could divert a little of the money to getting a couple more decorations...

  38. laura-beth firkin12 November 2016 at 23:16

    i would spend mine making sure me, my partner and his 10 year old son have an amazing xmas <3

  39. I would spend it on a desrving cause ,me

  40. I would buy my mam a fitbit to help her on her weight loss journey and my son a bike for Xmas

  41. Presents! My son turns 4 next month, then Christmas, followed by both parents birthdays in January.

  42. Christmas gifts for my 2 boys. I have requests for a dinosaur robot, and a Hatchimal - wish me luck!

  43. Christmas gifts for family and friends and a Santa hat for myself

  44. I'd spend the vouchers on Christmas presents for the kids

  45. I would spend the vouchers on some special presents for my Dad ,who is 92 and Mum who is 90.

  46. I would spend the vouchers on my girls Christmas presents.

  47. A Poem For How I'd Spend Your Delightful Prize

    A dolly for my youngest niece, flashing maracas for the other, a jumper for my dad and a comp game for my brother!

    I'm spending my savings on travelling round the refugee camps in Greece in December. My family were going to get very tiny presents but it would be lovely to be able to treat them as they've been so supportive!

    Best Wishes


  48. christmas presents
    lisa ann tebbutt

  49. What a lovely giveaway st this time of year �� Should I be so lucky to win I would spend the vouchers on presents for my family on our daughters first Christmas ��

  50. I think I have been good this year, or at least I've tried very hard to be good, so please don't bring me a lump of coal, we would love a new dishwasher to wash all the Christmas dinner pots. If you have any contact with Santa or my partner... a proposal would be the icing on the Christmas cake this year, but no worries if you can't make that happen I know miracles don't happen very often. All my love, Rebecca

  51. the money would be spent on making Christmas really special, great prize, thankyou for the chance :) xx

  52. I've recently adopted a little boy so I'd have to spend the majority of it on giving him the best Christmas ever. The rest would have to be spent on a little treat for new dad who has been the most amazing rock through all of the stress, tears and temper tantrums, and who managed to create the cosiest little bedroom in 4 days! Kirsty x

  53. I would put it towards a food mixer

  54. I would put the vouchers towards my disabled partner and treat him as he doesn't get enough support.

  55. A stand mixer as a little treat for me, and then lots of Christmas treats to make this year really special for us as we've been through a lot in 2016.

  56. I'd put it towards Christmas gifts for the family!

  57. If I won I would spend the money on my kids for Christmas :)

  58. I would spend it on kids christmas

  59. treating my beautiful mother who has been unwell

  60. One of my closest friends has had one heck of a difficult year so I would love to be able to completely splash out on something extra special this year :)

    Thank you for such a fab comp x

  61. i would buy a soundbar for my boyfriend who is hard of hearing and needs a better sound coming fro the tv now - i would also treat him to some nice cd's and maybe buy some books for me as i love reading :o)

  62. I'd treat myself to. Sonic brush cleanser x

  63. Hi, merry Christmas & best wishes to everyone, I would use the vouchers to buy mum & dad Xmas prezzies, I'm a disabled adult so I don't have any money, mum & dad look after me 24 hours a day and have just gone into more debt to get me a wheelchair, I feel so bad i just wanted to treat them this Xmas, take care everyone x

  64. I would use it to finish of my gift buying and would use any remainder for a treat for myself, a nice little party dress or shoes.

  65. I'd use it to buy a new bed for my cats, and as many craft supplies as I could.

  66. I'd spend the money decorating my son's bedroom.

  67. I would use them to but Christmas presents for my family

  68. I'd buy a selection of books for the family

  69. i would spend it on my family

  70. Text books for uni and Christmas presents with the rest! Good luck all xx

  71. I would get a selection of books that are already sitting in my wishlist

  72. I would love to buy some board games so that when my Grandchildren come to visit we can have some fun and games together

  73. A =top of the line 3D bluray player

  74. My son & i are unable to have Christmas this year & i'd spend the vouchers on much needed clothes & food items, mainly for my son.

  75. If I'm lucky and I win, I'll spend money to buy a great present for my boyfriend! :D

  76. I would buy a selection of DVDs and board games for the family on Christmas day.

  77. I would probably treat myself and my husband as we have already made sure the kids have all they could want or need for Christmas

  78. I would spend the vouchers on presents for my hubby and gifts for our little girls first christmas.

  79. Pauline Armstrong20 November 2016 at 21:29

    I would give my family a special Christmas and give the rest to needles&books angels&preemies to use for postage

  80. I would spend it on gorgeous presents for my family and friends

  81. I would put it towards presents for my family (laptop for my daughter).

  82. i would buy some xmas lights and decs. my daughter wants lights outside this year :)

  83. I'd buy a sat nav to stop me being the family joke - I need to find the right direction in the new year

  84. I would treat my mum to some new makeup and also buy my son another controller to go with with his xbox x (@kim69dav)

  85. I'd spend the vouchers on pressies for my hubby. He loves 'The Cure' so I'd start with a book and t-shirt that Ive seen on Amazon. Then I'd order him some music for the car. If there's any left over perhaps a Yankee candle for me!!

  86. I would give them to my Daughter to help her get my Grandchildren's Christmas presents :D

  87. Would get presents for my nice and nephew

  88. I would use the voucher to buy Christmas presents

  89. I would spend my vouchers on a lovely new rug for my horse

  90. I would love to win and treat myself to a new bedding set

  91. I would use them to buy Christmas presents of books and dVds for my friends and family, plus a little treat for myself.

  92. I would buy perfume, shoes and a furry throw to snuggle up in.

  93. PRESENTS!!! Some clothes and toys probably!!

  94. christine shelley28 November 2016 at 21:08

    I would love to buy my husband a new tablet, hes using my old one and the battery is dying

  95. I'd buy some extra treats for my family for Xmas

  96. It's a lot of money. I would buy presents for each of my 5 grown up kids.

  97. I'd spend some money on treating my other half as he bought me some lovely things for my birthday so i'd like to spoil and surprise him!

  98. It would go in the wedding pot probably for thankyou gifts for bridesmaids and best man xxx (fingers crossed )

  99. This is Incredible, I would buy Christmas presents, Perfumes, candles slippers and lots of toys for the little ones :)

  100. Wow, what an amazing prize. If I won, I'd buy some new walking boots as mine have fallen apart. And I would use the rest of the money to buy some Christmas presents.

  101. I would spend it on general christmas presents and some eye health capsules that I need.

  102. Cool giveaway! Think I'd spend the voucher on the new Nespresso Citiz Coffee Machine for the better half's birthday. Here's hoping

  103. A fantastic giveaway that I would spend if I was lucky enough to win on my two daughters for Christmas - toys & books :)

  104. Lots of books...and some Butterfingers :-D

  105. Christmas presents for my children and husband mostly Lego.

  106. I would spend my vouchers on xbox one games

  107. a couple of electric blankets would be ace

  108. treat the grandchildren to a little extra

  109. I would buy cat supplies plus a little treat for myself.

  110. I would spend the vouchers on buying toiletries for the local homeless shelter.

  111. I would buy a posh frock for Christmas and squander the rest.

  112. I'd use the vouchers to put towards a new XBox for my Fiancé

  113. I would use it to buy Christmas presents for my nephews and nieces

  114. I would put it towards buying my hubby a iPhone 7

  115. An electric blanket to keep my nan warm during the winter

  116. I would put it towards my pickles pram ... due April :-)

  117. Would spend on a new mattress as the springs in my current one have given up!
