Is Your Child Ready For University?

*AD This post is in collaboration with BBC TVL but all words and opinions are my own.

University or college is a big upheaval for your kids. I know when my son went to university it was a big life change. I don't know who had to get used to it more, me or him!? All parents can do is support their children with this new beginning and help them the best they can. I think looking back on his first term at university I would definitely do some things differently to get him used to university life and so would my son. So in hindsight when TV Licensing contacted me to work on their Family Quiz, to test your child's readiness for university or college I wanted to be involved.  Check out their Uni Checklist for yourself. 

Is Your Child Ready For University Quiz

me and my son

So I asked my son some of these questions, that TV Licensing sent me, you may want to ask your children too if they are in their first year of university or thinking of applying! To add some context to the post, my son J stayed for three years in halls of residence close to his university.

Round One - quiz questions

son at uni

1. How often did you change your bed sheets or towel? He said: Once every couple of weeks.
A: Once a week is recommended.

2. How much did a load of washing cost in a laundrette on average? He said: £5 in the halls of residence.
A: About £4-£5 for a standard load.

3. How did you find out when bin day is? He said: They had this information in the halls of residence office.
A: Look on your local council website if you are not in a hall of residence. This will give you this information. 

4. Did you need a TV licence in student halls? He said: Yes.
A: Yes. In halls of residence, you need to be covered by a TV Licence if you plan on watching live TV in your room. But the biggest benefit for students who buy a licence for the year is that when they go home at the end of the academic year, they can apply for a refund for the unused time! This ensures students only pay for the months that they live away from a family home, provided it is already covered by a TV Licence.

5. On which shelf in the fridge is meat typically stored? He said: Bottom shelf.
A: The bottom shelf is the best place to prevent cross-contamination. 

6. How much was your first year of uni worth to your final grade? He said: It doesn't count but you have to pass it.
A: It doesn’t count but generally you have to pass by 40% (best to confirm with your child's university though).

7. How long should you boil an egg for a runny yolk? He said: I don't know I never ate boiled eggs!
A: 4-5mins. 

8. Do you need a TV licence to watch recorded TV? He said: Yes.
A: Yes, showing on or recorded from live TV requires a licence. You need to be covered by a TV Licence to watch or record programmes as they’re being shown on TV or streamed live on an online TV service. And that’s not just the BBC; it’s all channels on any platform and on any device. You also need to be covered to watch BBC iPlayer.

9. When did you start looking for your next year’s accommodation? He said: I stayed in halls for three years so I don't know.
A: It can be as early as November to get the best places.

Your TV Licence

There are some myths about a TV licence. Your TV Licence is your must-have pass to 400+ TV channels as they’re being broadcast. It is also needed to watch or record programmes as they’re being shown on TV, on any channel and to watch or stream programmes live on an online TV service. You don’t need a TV Licence if you only ever use Netflix or other online TV services to watch on-demand or catch-up programmes, except if you’re watching BBC programmes on BBC iPlayer. So make sure your child is aware of this or they could get a fine. Check out these FAQ about TV licencing   

Round Two.  


I asked my son some other questions TV Licensing sent me and had to guess his answers.

1. How many of your lectures did you attend? 
I said: 90 per cent. He said: Most of them, I literally missed a couple.

2. What is your best money-saving tip? 
I said: Buy food in advance so you don't cave into takeaways all the time. 
He said: Making sandwiches is more cost-effective than buying sandwiches. All the Tesco meal deals add up!

3. What was the first thing you cooked at university? 
I said: An omelette, I know this as that's the only thing he can cook! I was surprised to find some pans in the cellophane still when he finished uni as well as an unopened cookery book. 
He said: An omelette. 


hiking in Iceland

I don't think you can really prepare your child for the adjustment to university or college, especially if it's their first time living away from home, however doing a quiz like this will get them to think about situations they may not have thought of. Situations like - do I need a TV Licence and when do I put the rubbish out? Most students, however, manage perfectly well at university even though we may worry about them. 

My son gained a 2:1 degree and is now working in a multimedia company as a marketing assistant. He still can't cook...but he did get a TV Licence. 


1 comment

  1. That’s a great quiz, I’m glad I got the meat storage one correct 😅 There’s a lot to learn outside the classroom for them !
